Poems from forthcoming projects

Cincinnati Review: “Of Mneme” and on miCRo, “Invocation

Cha: An Asian Literary Journal: Two poems from “Of the Tea-Horse Road”

Gulf Coast blog: “Of Fennel & Kintsugi

Granta: “Of Arcadia,” “Of Leather

Hunger Mountain: “Of Inheritance,” “Of Names to Disguise the Dead” (reprinted on Poetry Daily, here)

Kenyon Review: “Of Exile” on Soundcloud (though the print version isn’t online)

Kenyon Review: Online: “Of Sparrows,” “A Heron’s Age”

Lambda Literary Spotlight: “Crossing the Bridge

Little Wild Things: “Of the Bell’s Tongue

Witness: “Of Kampong & Creekbank” (.pdf)

Poems from The Other World

The Adroit Journal: “ • [In the good old days I lived « not » in a house…]” and “ • [To know a thing
is to desire it, as Esau’s hide-…]”

Anomaly – Queering in Plain Sight folio: “ • [We dressed our « unseemly » selves in meadow…],” “Of Glamour,” and “Of Mereism,” and “ • [In the old days and unemployed, I’d idle in the alley…]”

The Baffler: “ • [I, in – in the long ago time before time began to be…]” and “ • [In the other world,
I’m told, I was born / meant /…]

Ecotone: “Here let me stand. Let me too look at the fog a little…

Poetry: “[In the other world we use other words, painting]” and “ • [Whole towns like • horses turnt loose in the bardo of • …]

Poems from In the Volcano's Mouth

The Baffler: “After I Die

Colorado Review: “Killing

Ecotone: “A Spectacular Reformation of Their Old Ways” (or via Project MUSE)

Missouri Review: "Would You Believe," “Ophidia” (along with a micro-essay as introduction)

Nashville Review: “Early In The Day Of The Solar Eclipse

The Quotidian Bee: “How Loss Inhabits A Body” (reprinted from Ninth Letter)

The Paris-American: “Shortness of Breath,” “The Old Order

Poetry: “I Passed Three Girls Killing A Goat

Poems from All night in the new country

Killing the Buddha: “The Arrival,” “Belief

Nashville Review: “Before The World Went To Hell

NEA Writer's Corner: “When I Was A Child” (reprinted by the Pittsburgh Poetry Houses project)

Poetry: “Long ago I heard footsteps

Verse Daily: “Elegy


POEMS FROM Pact-Blood, Fever grass

42 opus: “Bibliomancy

DIAGRAM: “Seasons Changing

Killing the Buddha: “Avernus

No Tell Motel:  “My Own History of Plagues,” “Birthing,” “Ornithomancy,” “Burying” (“My Own History of Plagues” and The Hair of the Dead Still Grows in the Grave” both reprinted at the Doubleback Review)

Poetry:  “Brazilian Telephone” (reprint; originally published in the Indiana Review)



Fairy Tale Review: “Of Humankind” (fiction)

Tablet Magazine: “One Little Goat” (also titled – or at least subtitled – “The Life of An Animal is Contained In Its Blood,” if you ask me; nonfiction)


I really ought to update this more often; I’ve forgotten half of what ought to go here.

I read from Species of Spaces by Georges Perec while my hair did Medusan things for this incredible hand-drawn animation (also) by Lisa Iglesias at the Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center, where we were both fellows in 2012-2013.

I read with Donika Kelly, inimitable badass and student of mythical beasts, at Malvern Books in Austin, Texas, in 2017 and it's on YouTube. Watch me or Donika, whose books Bestiary and The Renunciations you ought to know and own. 

I wrote about travel and desire lines for Sarah Blake’s NPM Daily in 2013; I had a little bit to say at the NEA Writer’s Corner that year, too.

The Poet's Bloc at the Oakland General Strike port shutdown, November 2011 (carrying the “America, I’m putting my queer shoulder to the wheel” sign).